The Weekly Insight
The Weekly Insight Podcast brings you weekly information about what you need to know about what is going on in the market every week.
Podcasting since 2022 • 132 episodes
The Weekly Insight
Latest Episodes
What if They're Wrong?
It finally happened! The Fed cut rates last week. And not just a 0.25% cut. We got the full 0.50%, which was larger than many anticipated. That brings up many questions, but the biggest is the simplest: what if they’re wrong? What if the Fed ha...
The K-Shaped Recovery
As we head into Fed Week (a very important Fed Week!), we thought it might be a good time to step back and look at the economy as a whole. We’re in an interesting moment. Economic growth continues to excel at a time when citizens of our country...
Worst Week Ever (*this year…)
Did you feel that? That was the market’s worst week in 2024. Down 4.22% in a week. Well worse than we saw even at the beginning of August.Read more here: https...